Serving Armstrong, Allegheny, and Butler Counties.

Stay Safe Online: Surfing the Web Securely with DoH

Learn how to improve your online security by enabling DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) in your browser or operating system, and discover why it's essential for a safer internet experience.

The Importance of Online Security

In today's digital age, security should be a top priority for every internet user. Many people in Armstrong, Allegheny, and Butler Counties, Pennsylvania, often neglect online security until something goes wrong. To avoid the pitfalls of a cyber attack or identity theft, it's crucial to be proactive in securing your browsing experience.


One of the most effective ways to enhance your online security is by enabling DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH). DoH is a protocol that encrypts DNS requests made by your computer, making it more challenging for attackers to monitor or manipulate your online activities.

Enabling DoH in Your Browser

Setting up DoH is relatively straightforward in most browsers, such as Google Chrome and Firefox. Here's how to do it:

Google Chrome:

  • Open the browser and type "chrome://flags" in the address bar.
  • Search for "Secure DNS" and enable the option.
  • Restart your browser for the changes to take effect.


  • Open the browser and click the menu button in the upper-right corner.
  • Choose "Options" or "Preferences."
  • In the "General" tab, scroll down to "Network Settings" and click the "Settings" button.
  • Check the box for "Enable DNS over HTTPS" and select a provider from the dropdown menu.
  • Click "OK" to save your settings.

Enabling DoH at the Operating System Level

For a more comprehensive security solution, you can enable DoH at the operating system level. This process can be a bit technical and may require some IT experience. If you're not comfortable with this, consider reaching out to Mike's Computer Repair in Kittanning, PA, for assistance. Once DoH is enabled at the OS level, there's no need to configure it individually in your browsers.

Step-by-step guides:

Windows 10

Windows 11

Mac OS


Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Overcoming the Challenges of Online Security

While security measures like DoH can sometimes slow down your computer or block access to specific websites due to false-positive blocks, the trade-off is worth it. Taking the time to enable DNS-over-HTTPS on your browser or operating system can significantly improve your online security and privacy.

If you need help with setting up DoH or have any other computer-related concerns in Armstrong, Allegheny, and Butler Counties, don't hesitate to contact Mike's Computer Repair. I am here to help you navigate the world of online security.

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